
Archive for April, 2013

Been a full week since Boston, and in that time we have learned that a lot of stereotypes exist for a reason.

Biggest one is that suspecting that bombers are Muslim terrorists just isn’t the unfair thing so many whiners are calling it.

Oh, the whinging has been going on for some time. In the OKC Bombing we had to endure cries of unfair profiling. Sirota last week on Salon couldn’t wait to exclaim with maximal insensitivity to the victims that he hoped the bomber(s) had white skin, and then went on to grind his axe. Many of us thought “Muslim terrorists” because it isn’t irrational to do so.

Now, while we ponder on the dipshit things we have heard in the last week, take this in…


Yeah, that is a real book. No, I don’t remember where I found the link. Really. Amazon, folks. It is all on Amazon.

Hey look everyone, it is my kitten on a giant dog thing!


Nope, not my cat. But it must be a clone of her. I would show a picture of her but that would be redundant.
Now have a pic of an amazing food converter!

The Sithy would approve, I am sure.

If Darth Vader had a car it would be an Ariel Atom. I would totally be evil for a chance to have some fun with one.

I found a neat … Rather, I was pointed to a neat app by ID10T Killer… Write with your finger, add numbers, change things, erase others, and it does OCR and figures out the math real time. Too cool.


I got a genuine Islamohatred(tm) comment for the old Mohammed’s Secret graphic. How about that. Not even sure what brought that individual to these pages. Full of good old righteous anger though.


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Slowing down. Turbulence.

Things are not in reserve but I have them scattered about.

Have Mrs. Reynolds in her car.


Here is Mrs. Reynolds in my chair. I don’t dare move her when her eyes do that.


More later if I get permission to post something awesome.

But first a Richard Bach quote or two… Three I hope to teach my kids, actually

Your friends will know you better in the first minute you meet than your acquaintances will know you in a thousand years.

The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other’s life. Rarely do members of one family grow up under the same roof.

Argue for your limitations and sure enough, they’re yours.

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Cat-crap Busy.

Been kind of busy lately when not cluster-migraining it all over the landscape. Two days shot to hell and a near-miss to the hospital because it sucked worse than dying for a little bit, a day or two post-migraine celebratory hangover for the fun of it, and a few days playing catch-up.

Hadn’t heard from a scientist friend in a while so I suggested we catch up if she’s not too busy, if it was indeed a busy time for her. Her response was poetry.

Busy? As busy as a cat burying a turd on a marble floor, as a friend of mine puts it…

That brings a tear to my eye.

Ok, now a visual brought to me by Black Lab on Amphetamines.


More. From somewhere else. The best key hanger that I have liked the looks of in the last 24 hours.


From some pet-shaming link that I couldn’t recall the name of.


YOU wouldn’t trust that thing, would you? That is our Mrs. Reynolds.


And just because I am feeling lazy… Sharks with frickin’ lasers on their heads.


By the way, has anyone seen that lurker veeshir lurking about? It isn’t like him to not cross over the boycott lines once or twice a day.

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Short mini-temp post for this morning only.

I read this and felt my IQ drop precipitously just from being exposed to it.

Rep. Diana DeGette (D-CO): “I will tell you these are ammunition, they’re bullets, so the people who have those now they’re going to shoot them, so if you ban them in the future, the number of these high capacity magazines is going to decrease dramatically over time because the bullets will have been shot and there won’t be any more available.” (April 2, 2013, Denver Post forum)

If you voted for this Rep, then you should be ashamed.  You should question your ability to vote ever again.  The magnitudinous stupidity of your decision nearly tore the fabric of space and time.  A little bit of the universe’s poo came out in fear of the sheer depth of her cretinism.


From an astute co-worker, Crazy Cat Lady…



Wow, a self-beating sea-lion.

There’s a joke in there somewhere.


Man proves conclusively to his girlfriend that he has no:

a)  Guts

b)  Balls

c)  Spine

d)  Steely eyes

e)  Firm handshake

f)  All of the above, and more

Way to go, sport – you reek of wildflowers and shame.  When you duck a ball and let your girlfriend get hit in the face with a baseball, then it is conclusive – you are either a sea cucumber or a terrestrial slugThe course of your life is plotted – a long meandering path downhill.

A kinder gentler co-worker said “It was probably instinctive.”  Yeah, but I know a lot of people that instinctively try to save the people they love.  Sorry, but yes, there comes a point at which we should judge people.  Not everyone gets a passing grade the first time, some re-take the test and pass and go on to excel, some fail.  It doesn’t bode well for this girl, however.  His failure when supposedly his Oxytocin levels are going to be at a lifetime high… ouch… because I doubt he can sucessfully reproduce if he’s even allowed to try.


Here we have the Happiest Petting Zoo in the World.  (no, not that kind of place)  Supposedly you can just walk up and touch the wild things with your bare hands because they are so well fed it overcomes all instincts to kill and maim tourists.

“the animals are just full. ‘We feed all the animals, especially the predators.’”

 (excuse me while I check my license to see if I was born yesterday)

 Nope.  Not born yesterday.

They feed the animals massive doses of valium and then give a ketamine chaser.   OR, they really do feed the animals well… with other visitors.

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