
Archive for the ‘Big Government’ Category

Today, the USPTO denied the Redskins their trademark on grounds that it was illegally insensitive and hurt some injun’s feelings somewhere.

Yes, in Colbert fashion I meant to illustrate the ridiculousness of the situation. (See “Sing-Song Chin-Chong” in any web search involving Colbert)

I ask you this: How many pro teams intentionally name their team and go by something meant disparagingly?

Do they have team names like:

Closet Wankers
Dripping Chihuahuas
Pocket Trouts
Thundering Manatees

No, they do not. You know why… Because they want to sound noble or fierce or they want to be proud of their mascot. They don’t pick disparaging terms, they just don’t.

So why do we give any attention to a bunch of wanks who say they are offended? To be denied a trademark, someone has to show damages.

Hey hey hey… Obama doesn’t need to ask Congressional approval in Iraq because, as his cheerleader San Fran Nan says, the authorities are already in place.

Pelosi told reporters that she agreed that the president has all of the authorities that he needs in the authorizations to use military force passed by Congress previously.

“All of the authorities are there. That doesn’t mean I want all of them to be used, especially boots on the ground,” she said. “But I definitely think the president has all of the authority he needs by dint of legislation that was passed in 2001 and 2003.”

She appeared to be referring to the authorizations to use military force passed after the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks and the 2002 authorization to use force in Iraq. Neither of those authorizations have expired, although the official White House position is that the Iraq authorization should be repealed.

Oh, the same authorities granted based on what the dems have called Bush/Cheney lies to invade Iraq for oil? THOSE authorities?

Let’s do the time warp again.


A senior Democratic aide briefed on the meeting disputed McConnell’s characterization of Obama’s remarks. “Whether intentionally or not, Senator McConnell’s comments mischaracterize the tone and the substance of the meeting. The President was very clear that he would keep Congress in the loop.”

Similar to Obama’s most transparent administration ever? Yeah.

From the “Almost the Most Useless Information Ever” Depatrment…

Americans sleep twice as much as they work, on average.

Averages mean NOTHING. Nothing.

If only one person in ten makes a million dollars and the rest make none at all then the average earnings are $100,000. It is a worthless statement.

From the article it is numbers pulled from ages 15 and up. The kids sleep more, work less. The adults work more, sleep less in general. But everybody sleeps some. Not everybody works. It is a totally bullshit pile of stupid.

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Short mini-temp post for this morning only.

I read this and felt my IQ drop precipitously just from being exposed to it.

Rep. Diana DeGette (D-CO): “I will tell you these are ammunition, they’re bullets, so the people who have those now they’re going to shoot them, so if you ban them in the future, the number of these high capacity magazines is going to decrease dramatically over time because the bullets will have been shot and there won’t be any more available.” (April 2, 2013, Denver Post forum)

If you voted for this Rep, then you should be ashamed.  You should question your ability to vote ever again.  The magnitudinous stupidity of your decision nearly tore the fabric of space and time.  A little bit of the universe’s poo came out in fear of the sheer depth of her cretinism.


From an astute co-worker, Crazy Cat Lady…



Wow, a self-beating sea-lion.

There’s a joke in there somewhere.


Man proves conclusively to his girlfriend that he has no:

a)  Guts

b)  Balls

c)  Spine

d)  Steely eyes

e)  Firm handshake

f)  All of the above, and more

Way to go, sport – you reek of wildflowers and shame.  When you duck a ball and let your girlfriend get hit in the face with a baseball, then it is conclusive – you are either a sea cucumber or a terrestrial slugThe course of your life is plotted – a long meandering path downhill.

A kinder gentler co-worker said “It was probably instinctive.”  Yeah, but I know a lot of people that instinctively try to save the people they love.  Sorry, but yes, there comes a point at which we should judge people.  Not everyone gets a passing grade the first time, some re-take the test and pass and go on to excel, some fail.  It doesn’t bode well for this girl, however.  His failure when supposedly his Oxytocin levels are going to be at a lifetime high… ouch… because I doubt he can sucessfully reproduce if he’s even allowed to try.


Here we have the Happiest Petting Zoo in the World.  (no, not that kind of place)  Supposedly you can just walk up and touch the wild things with your bare hands because they are so well fed it overcomes all instincts to kill and maim tourists.

“the animals are just full. ‘We feed all the animals, especially the predators.’”

 (excuse me while I check my license to see if I was born yesterday)

 Nope.  Not born yesterday.

They feed the animals massive doses of valium and then give a ketamine chaser.   OR, they really do feed the animals well… with other visitors.

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I am thinking it is already too late.  We are officially in the outer limits of the city of Police State.

So we have a list that is nothing new, except the last entry, but bears repeating often:

Attempts to ban or tightly regulate arms owned by citizens

(You can find your own links to this – thousands of them)

 DHS stockpiling ammo (1.6B rounds)


 DHS buying automatic weapons (7000 full auto)



 DHS purchasing drones capable of tracking moving and stationary targets and determining armed/unarmed status, capable of painting a target with IR laser from 60,000 feet (read that in the unredacted RFQ)


http://politechbot.com/docs/dhs.uav.drone.specification.030113.html )

DHS purchasing 2700 light-armored tanks


 Next come the lists of people, their weapons, their beliefs, their affiliations, their acquaintances, etc.

You think I’m joking?  The drones, tanks, and automatic weapons don’t cause you to be uneasy?  You’re a sheeple if they don’t.

Let’s see where those items get placed.

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… a girl.  In one of the least proudest moments our president is shooting like a girl.

No, that’s an insult to girls.  Sorry girls.

He shoots like a beginner.

The President had stern warnings for anyone who would p-shop the image of him during one of his all-the-time gun-luvin’ outings.

“This official White House photograph is being made available only for publication by news organizations and/or for personal use printing by the subject(s) of the photograph. The photograph may not be manipulated in any way and may not be used in commercial or political materials, advertisements, emails, products, promotions that in any way suggests approval or endorsement of the President, the First Family, or the White House.”

I was shocked, SHOCKED when I saw the sacrilege against our Savior-in-Chief Obama over at Ace of Spades.  It was a travesty, I tell you.  See the travesty below?  He’s gonna try to shoot BUGS.  Bugs Bunny is an American icon… you can’t shoot Bugs.

BCJc0WZCUAAFFH4.jpg large

The guy can’t even do a PR gun shoot properly.  He didn’t bother to learn where to place the butt of the gun, I highly doubt he got a clay target while at the horizontal, and his center of gravity is all wrong.  I’ve seen many many long-time shooters and this guy ain’t one of them.  So I’m kind of insulted when he claims to be a gun-lover.  No, really insulted.

See the original below.



An interesting side note.  G00gle is handling Breitbart as if it were a malicious website.  Yeah, Breitbart is about as suspicious as they come.

Clever.  What next?  The NRA website?  Iowahawk?  Hookers and Booze?

Think what an honor it would be for G00gle to care enough to try to shut you down.


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80% in a poll says they are either no better off than four years ago or about the same.  There’s a shining endorsement.

But some say “nah nah nah nah nah nah nah” with their fingers in their ears.  People like Harry Reid, W(hinger)-NV.  He’s just given birth to a whole new party of clueless people in painful denial.  He’s like an Occupier with a suit.  I hope that the internet sags under the number of times he’s quoted a poll.

“I’m not much of a pollster guy. As everyone knows, there isn’t a poll in America that had me having any chance of being re-elected, but I got re-elected,” he told TheDC.

“I think this poll is so meaningless. It is trying to give the American people an idea of what 300 million people feel by testing several hundred people. I think the poll is flawed in so many different ways including a way that questions were asked. I don’t believe in polls generally and specifically not in this one.”     http://dailycaller.com/2012/03/13/reid-poll-finding-80-percent-of-americans-not-better-off-so-meaningless

Oh really?

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) on Wednesday pointed to the results of a new poll in arguing that House Republican leaders “can’t let the tea party call the shots” in ongoing negotiations over funding the federal government.  – http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/2chambers/post/reid-the-country-doesnt-care-much-about-the-tea-party/2011/03/30/AFkYeZ2B_blog.html

I WONder where the dissatisfaction is coming from?


Yes, the news is in – Tide, as in the soap, is a hot item across the country.

“We sent in an informant to buy drugs. The dealer said, ‘I don’t have drugs, but I could sell you 15 bottles of Tide,’ ” Sprague told The Daily. “Upstairs in the drug dealer’s bedroom was about 14 bottles of Tide laundry soap. We think [users] are trading it for drugs.”

Police in Gresham, Ore., said most Tide theft is perpetrated by “users feeding their habit.”

“They’ll do it right in front of a cop car — buying heroin or methamphetamine with Tide,” said Detective Rick Blake of the Gresham Police Department. “We would see people walking down the road with six, seven bottles of Tide. They were so blatant about it.”

Lots of euphemisms now sound even weirder.  “Bath salts”, “Crystal”, “getting clean”, etc.

Surf’s up, dudes.

I’m going to sit and wait for someone to notice something about these last few paragraphs.  If no one says anything I will conclude that Cruel Wife is right and I am indeed “A Sheldon”.  That’s painfully blunt talk, there, and we use it to mean “Yeah, technically smart but functionally as dumb as a bag of hammers”.  I am pretty sure she wasn’t implying “genius” in any way, shape, or form.

“Cruel Wife” fits.


Mitchell has found a link that is a lifesaver.

I don’t know if you guys are Star Wars fans, but I thought Episode I (with Jar-Jar Binks) was some kind of obscene and cruel joke with no punchline.

Where Mitchell’s link leads, the guy makes a great argument for mixing up the order entirely and never watching Ep. I again.  And he makes sense!

If I can save just one child from that perversion named Jar-Jar, a lifetime of letter-writing to pass this information on will be worth it.

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I’m really into Skyrim when I’m not too dopey to function, which means I haven’t done a lot of it in the last month, but I’ve done some.  It’s a quite good game if you haven’t already seen it.

Alert co-worker Laconic Pup noted that Skyrim’s dragons can be modified so they’re cooler and macho-er.

Zoidberg mudcrab mod… I can’t stand Futurama’s Zoidberg and think he should be dipped in melted butter and fed to Blernsball fans.  So dispatching him in Skyrim sounds pretty good.


Yes, the only poll that counts is election day but here is an example of  wishful self-delusion:

When it comes to how Americans view President Obama going into the new year, there appears to be very little spirit of Auld Lang Syne. Instead, according to the new Washington Whispers poll, many voters aren’t forgetting what they dislike about Obama and want him out office.

In our New Year’s poll, when asked what news event they fear most about 2012, Americans by a margin of two-to-one said Obama’s reelection. Only 16 percent said they fear the Democrat won’t win a second term, while 33 percent said they fear four more years.

The problem is when you read 2:1 against it is easy to miss the fact that the “2” part is 33% of voters.  Thirty three percent accounts for the strict party-line conservatives that will never like a liberal in the WH.  But only 16% fear that Obama won’t win a second term… now that is noteworthy.  But even that doesn’t tell you how many people would likely vote in either direction.

One thing we can say for sure is that none of the presidential candidates that are likely to survive til election day are worth a fake nickel.

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San Fran Nan is telling us that she’s going to leak.  Where are her DC-strength Depends™ undergarments for pissy women with control issues?  She’d better run down and find some quickly.

Nancy Pelosi:

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) is holding back some information on Republican Newt Gingrich that could detract from his presidential campaign, according to a report published Monday.

“One of these days we’ll have a conversation about Newt Gingrich,” Pelosi told Talking Points Memo. “When the time is right. … I know a lot about him. I served on the investigative committee that investigated him, four of us locked in a room in an undisclosed location for a year. A thousand pages of his stuff.”  – source:  The Hill

The real question is why would she say this?  What could she hope to achieve?  Implied very strongly is that Newt Gingrich should suspend his campaign in the light of potentially damaging information.

blackmail [ˈblækˌmeɪl]  n.

1. (Law) the act of attempting to obtain money by intimidation, as by threats to disclose discreditable information
2. the exertion of pressure or threats, esp unfairly, in an attempt to influence someone’s actions

vb (tr)

1. (Law) to exact or attempt to exact (money or anything of value) from (a person) by threats or intimidation; extort
2. to attempt to influence the actions of (a person), esp by unfair pressure or threats
blackmailer  n
Not sure if “implied” would hold up in court, but this has all the feel of a store owner being shaken down to pay “fire insurance” because it would be a real tragedy if something were to happen to the owner’s building if the boys weren’t there to keep an eye on the place.
Her statement is not a lie, but wait until she turns on “spin control”.  Then we’ll see lies.  Already the implications are enough to insult the listener because we all recognize her speech for what it is – threats.  And when she does deny it or try to excuse it…

1. Stelamendacium: an arrogantly stupid lie that makes the recipient want to beat the teller to a bloody pulp.

2. Stelamenpunirist: someone who tells an arrogantly stupid lie that casts doubt on the listener’s intelligence and who rightfully deserves to be beaten to a bloody pulp.

But until that point, all we can do is arrest her for blackmail.  Newt Gingrich handled it well:

Gingrich reacted to Pelosi’s comments by thanking her for an “early Christmas gift.”

He also said Pelosi would be violating House rules and abusing the ethics process if she disclosed anything from the ethics investigation.

“That is a fundamental violation of the rules of the House,” Gingrich said in New York following a meeting with Donald Trump. “She’s now prepared to totally abuse the ethics process.”

But facts are facts – Pelosi engaged in blackmail, by threatening the disclosure of information with the intent to influence someone’s behavior.  Democrats would do well to treat her as if she were political nerve gas and abandon her, but I prefer that they embrace her and her poisonous nature.

I know Newt Gingrich isn’t a favorite among many conservatives and I can only respond with this:  Every single one of the Republican candidates is better than what we have in the White House right now.  Without exception, every single one of them.  So before going nuclear on him and threatening to not vote or making a statement by voting for some other candidate who cannot possibly win, you’d be better served to remember that.

Any idea why, when our own finances are draining down the drain – why we are giving money to the IMF to bail Eurozone members out of their own self-made economic hell?  Especially since the Eurozone was absolutely formed with the clear intent to take the US down a peg or three?  They made no secret about that.
I can honestly admit to wondering if the school administrators have lost their freakin’ minds.  Kicking a bully in the nuts is sexual harassment?
I have had more than enough of Christians that get up on their soapboxes and engage in behavior modification speech.  Telling Christians that they are the reason for the commercialization of Christmas, that to be good Christians we should have two manger displays (one inside and one outside our homes), how we should speak in wishing someone a fantastic Christmas, and how to pick out Christmas cards (the expectations of which I find offensive)… I have only one thing to say, with as much love as I possibly can… stop worrying about how other people live their lives, go have a Merry Christmas, and stuff it.
Stop crapping on other people’s enjoyment of the holiday.
What friendship doesn’t have it’s ups and downs?  Woman kills friend stuffs her body under pile of Christmas presents.  Who among us hasn’t been there, huh?
Be sure to come back later since I have more to add.

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There’s the power grab I’ve been watching for.

“I think we ought to suspend, perhaps, elections for Congress for two years and just tell them we won’t hold it against them, whatever decisions they make, to just let them help this country recover.”  – North Carolina Governor Bev Perdue in her overt bid to overthrow your right to be represented – next comes taxation without that representation, in her eyes.

With honeyed words and an oily demeanor the usurper will sidle forth, eager to take control of your lives – just for the good of everyone, you understand.
No, Bev, what we ought to do, rather than your suggestion of suspending elections, is calmly and rationally tell Congress to grow the hell up and do their goddamned jobs like they swore to do.   – Dr. Lemur
Interesting ow her suggestion of a two year suspension just happens to cover the next election cycle, isn’t it?
Ok, the cut-n-paste section is a bit long here but there is a reason…  Pittsburgh inmates are getting 42″ plasma tv’s.

The money comes from the “Inmate Welfare Fund” – proceeds from the jail commissary used by the inmates.

Onorato administration officials who wouldn’t be interviewed on camera or allow the televisions to be photographed, argued in a statement that it’s not the public’s money.

“No taxpayer dollars or county funds are being used to purchase the televisions. The inmates are purchasing the televisions to replace old or broken sets. The decision to purchase the TVs was made by a committee that consists of jail personnel and inmate advocates.”

The point of being in jail is not to mistreat people or make them feel worse and resentful,” Marion Damick, a committee member, said.

It’s not?
Yes it is.  I want prisoners to feel worse.  I want them to hate prison.  I want to chain them to… wait, no, I don’t want tha… wait, yes I do.  I want them to never want to go back, ever.
Where’d the idea come from that there should be anything enjoyable about being incarcerated on the public’s dime?  Sure they may have bought those TVs with “non-public” money but while they are getting free room and board they ought to be paying for every cent of it.  If that deal sounds like it sucks, stay the hell out of jail.
A very good friend of mine was in jail for a while, and yes, I can still say that.  He never wants to go back again and has become a completely different person.  I’d say jail being a suck-ass place to be was probably one of the best things to ever happen to him, as he’s a fine human being that I’m proud to call a friend.
Now… (said slowly) I’ll bet… that she looked up the color of the reporter’s skin before bitching about his racist transcription of Obama’s intentionally dropped G’s in his Congressional Black Caucus speech…  She did so purely out of curiosity, I’m sure.
The good news is that liberals are good for Mother Earth.  Yes, tiny little cannisters filled with life-saving albuterol and nasty evil CFC’s are still pure evil and must be stamped out.  If a few asthmatics are killed along the way, that’s a price we’re willing to pay, because Green is Always Better.
Give it time, and the government will want to tax the rich for $14,000 for every man, woman, and child to pay for $7,000 funerals and “give” those away, too.  Hell, why not?  We’re going to be doing something similar with health care soon.  Tax for more than the amount, pocket the difference – it’s the political way to pay for all the things that can’t be justified.
Zombie Reagan will not run.  It’s on Drudge.  Sorry Stoaty…
For the hearing impaired, use this handy visual that she hand-crafted to navigate to her site.
Seriously, think about what I just said, stop clicking on that graphic, realize it was BS, and follow the hyperlink above, okay?

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Update:  More night photography.  Obviously I need a filter (an expensive one with lots of features, maybe two or three really nice top-notch jobbies just to be safe) for that lens flare but I liked the clouds.

To crop or not to crop...

Update 2:  Cropped, per Nicole’s suggestion.



I have been hunting high and low for some alternative to the hated CFL’s.

Hey!  I know… there’s this thing called an incandescent ****ing bulb you congress-cretin misanthropes.  Oh, we’re not allowed to use those by fiat, huh?   So much for fiat lux.

So I’ve been hunting high and low and reading so many specs that are outright lies.   Outright lies.  My background is optics.  I know a thing or two about photons.  And I can say without a trace of arrogance (here, anyway) that if I am having a hell of a time deciphering whether the manufacturer means lumens, luminous efficacy, watts (for real), or apparent wattage replacement – and – whether they just made a boo-boo when their numbers don’t work out or if they told an outright lie, then… how the hell can the average person, without a great deal of hassle, tell what the frig they are looking at?

Prices are all over the map, too.  If you want a dimmable LED light you can pay $45 or you can pay $13.  You get what you pay for on the low end, I’m sure, but do you really get $45 worth of light bulb on the higher end?  I dunno.  Doubt it.

But I do know my cat’s butt is hanging 75% or better off the edge of his perch and I’m convinced that he can defy gravity;  At least my cat’s ass end appears to be lighter than air.


Picture my upcoming Halloween project:  To make a pumpkin glow like the noonday sun.  While stuck on a pole.  While splashed with fake blood.  With lightly carved lines of agony on it’s face.

Last year I stuck a halogen worklight up a pumpkin’s butt and had a blast with the neighborhood oooh’ing and ahhhh’ing over it.  Problem was that the holes for the eyes and mouth were awfully bright and kids looking the pumpkin in the face were temporarily blinded.  But the yard glowed orange.

This year?  I want it to brilliantly flame orange.

I figure, and while a certain distinguished gentleman might have observed that my 2KW internal lighting scheme for the pumpkin might be a bit much, I have to forge ahead with the idea because if we screw this up, kittens could die.   It may scar some tender young psyches to see such a sight but if we save just one kitten, it’s a price I’m willing to pay.  I notice he didn’t argue very hard and kind of said “no” when he meant “yes, yes, yes, for the love of dog, yes” regarding the excessive-force approach.

As he noted, there might be… heat issues.  Cruel Wife thought so, too.

So I have pondered on the notion that forced air might mitigate heat-driven agricultural product failure (the squash FMEA chart is all angry-red looking and no green squares in sight).  I refuse to water cool or heat-pipe the sucker, though.

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Before zipping on down to the original topic of the post, cbullitt over at SOYLENT GREEN has plugged a product for me! And I’m happy that he’s happy with it, too.

You should think of it as a congratulatory gift mug for his 1,000,000th blog hit a week or so ago.


Aggie over at Hookers and Booze put up a little quiz that she got from elsewhere (I won’t list the tree of dispersal beyond that other than to say she got it from iOWT).  It’s not a new quiz but it is an interesting quiz.

I lie at top dead center and wobble to the right a hair on the censorship issue, mainly because I believe some types of speech are never defensible as “free speech”.  Calling for the injury of others, harassment, exploitation of kids, etc., are things I can’t condone and never will.

Mainly I believe most all laws should be kept local, but obviously there are some exceptions.  People are a whole lot more likely to keep BS to a minimum if they have to sink, swim, or wallow in their own filth.

Speaking of spoilage and filth, here’s a handy little posting about the facts of spoilage and pathogen-plagued foodstuff.  Interesting stuff that I never knew.   Is it all true?  I don’t know.  It passes my first sniff test, though.


Did I post this yet?  I cannot recall where it came from other than through a google surf session.  I think it is a lemur of some kind but it’s all saccharine-ly sweet and all.  Gotta be a lemur or some critter in that area of the genetic tree – lookit the eyes.

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Congress.  Vote the entire lot out.  Tar and feather them.  Start with Boehner.

House Speaker John Boehner says the pact he’s reached with President Barack Obama and other leaders of Congress on lifting the debt limit and taming the budget “isn’t the greatest deal” but lives up to the GOP’s principles on taxes and spending.

They’re cutting 1 trillion dollars over ten years.  That’s 100 billion per year in a yearly budget of over 3 trillion dollars.

The ****wad has just made the biggest argument for why so many Tea Party folks should show up in record numbers to make sure that anyone who now aligns themselves with the GOP is gone and why people of any party should be voted out after one term.   I’m a conservative and hearing Boehner say that only cutting one trillion over ten years is living up to the GOP’s principles tells me that the GOP is dead and he’s given it just one more in a long string of kisses of death.

I’m supposed to feel better than this about it, though:

Congressional sources familiar with the outlines of the deal say it would cut the deficit by about $2.8 trillion and raise the debt limit by a similar amount. The deal includes $1.2 trillion in spending cuts up front and creates a select bicameral committee to find another $1.6 trillion in savings later in the 112th Congress.

I’m sure there’s a committee that is going to be as dedicated to finding the $1.6T as Obama was in listening to the committee recommendations about the budget last winter.  Yep, expect some quick action on that one.

I want to hear a certain list of numbers and if I don’t hear them I want to know why.  Yearly.

  1. How much do we spend on things we need this year?
  2. How much do we take in?
  3. How much has the debt been paid down this year?
  4. When will the debt be paid off?

#2 minus #3 minus #1 goddamned well better be greater than zero and never a negative number.  If it is more than zero, I want my taxes reduced by that much divided by 350M next year.  When you set out #1, I want to know exactly where it is going, and I don’t want budget tricks played – no estimates or assumptions.  If you can’t do that, the budget needs to be simplified to the point where that doesn’t happen.

And I want the extra alphabet departments removed.  And a 10% flat tax.  And no more pork damnit.  And for f***’s sake get rid of the congressional pensions and benefits.  @$$holes.  Stop it with the games, you chickensh*t bastards, and for once play straight and grow up – the rest of us are seriously tired of your sh*t.

Expect Boehner to break out in tears any day now, talking about his love of his country and how stressful this has been.

San Fran Nan:

We all may not be able to support it or none of us may be able to support it.  – Nancy Pelosi

Me personally, I’m never gonna give up my daily pork rinds, caviar, champagne, and military jets y’all are paying for because I can’t support giving it up.  That’s what she’s saying.

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Charles Krauthammer was on Lou Dobbs this afternoon when I stepped out of work to go buy some more Red Bull ™.

He was quoted:

This is Obama at his most sanctimonious, demagogic, self-righteous and arrogant. And given the baseline, it wasn’t a pretty sight. Look, he started out by summoning the leaders of Congress – summoning them at 11:00. Who does he think he is? In the American system the Executive and Congress are co-equal. The way he demanded their appearance in the Oval Office I thought was disgraceful. . . . The President offered nothing except if you go in the back room my staff will give you tick-tock – a detail of everything I was supposed to have given. He has never once spoken about real cuts. And lastly, what was interesting is even at the late date where he says that the fate of the republic hangs on the debt ceiling extension, he said if given a short extension of say half a year, I won’t accept it. Why? Because he says I want this to go past Election Day. That is self-serving and political and he pretends he is the one who is not interested in politics. – Charles Krauthammer with compelling reasons why it’s fair to say Obama is being a piss-poor individual about now


Ever have a Monday and it just didn’t stop being one all day long?

I got to work and said “Hmmm, I could have sworn I left my computer on when I left on Friday.”

I hit the power button and heard the familiar Hmwwwoooommm and the dreaded Fwooom as it shut down.

That cycle repeated itself two or three times with the minimal input from me and then I smelled the smell that says “Hi!  Remember me?  I’m the smell of burning transformers and the cinders of dreams!”

I went down to ID10T Killer’s office and said “Dude, I’ve got great news!”   No, I didn’t, actually.  What I said was more like “Wow, this is great, I think my computer is burning up!”

Or something like that.

He remarked that I was a sorry piece of shite or something like that (and hurt my feelings, badly, which is what you look for in a good friend) and told me to bring my computer down.

He smelled the smells to be smelled, immediately tossed out a universal card reader that is a documented POS, and started in on replacing the 653 1/29th Watt power supply.  Partway through this delicate operation he said “How long has the fan been like that?”

“Huh?” I said, looking over his shoulder.   He held up a 5″ fan that only turned freely in the sense that as you pushed it around using ten pounds of force you did it in the US of A.  At least it was a free country as of this morning.  I hung around for a while and watched as he finished the last connection of the new supply and turned the computer on.

Hmwwwwooooom – POP – Zap – (poof).

Showing my amazing grasp of the obvious I said “That’s not good, right?”

“No.”   ID10T Killer has this way of pursing his lips when he says “no” that also shouts out that you are probably one of the dumbest invertebrates he’s ever seen walk the earth.  What is humbling about this is that he’s the father of a 19 year old son – he knows what he’s talking about.

I got closer and looked inside the case while he punched the button again.

HWM-<b>POP</b>!!!11!! (eleventy, even)

There was this big arc/spark/puff right there on the motherboard.

“You are going to need another computer.”

I pursed my lips and said “Really.”

Later ID10T Killer came by to tell me that the boss said I can’t have a new computer but I am going to inherit the computer of an old co-worker – an 8-Core with 48GB of RAM and a smokin’ video card.  This just only barely makes up for the laptop I’ve been using today to do solid models on.   That laptop was at one time highly optimized and cutting edge, designed to squeeze the most out of Windows 3.1.

Update:  It was a 5-1/3 core CPU that runs at 3.3GHz half the time and 300MHz the other half, and 37GB of RAM.  ID10T Killer said so.  He wouldn’t lie to me.


Oh, by the way, if you haven’t seen the movie “Moon” with Sam Rockwell, you might want to check it out.  I lump it in with “The Quiet Earth” and “Until the End of the World” in texture/taste/feel, but I really enjoyed it.


Saw this one this weekend.  Boy gets bamboo sword through the neck – turns out just fine.  Fair warning the link has a link itself to a pic of him and his mom prior to having it removed.  They both look so maximum serious, as you should expect.

And to lighten that load, get a load of this.  Russian women encouraged to get nekkid in support of Putin.  Thank you, Fark, for that one.  That was a fun read.

The campaign, being run by a group calling itself the “Putin Army,” posted a promotional video on a Russian social networking website over the weekend calling for women to rip their clothes off in support of Putin.

“I’m just crazy about a man who changed our country,” a voice-over says, as busty “Diana” walks through Moscow.


Later in the video, Diana and two friends paint “I’ll tear [clothes off] for Putin” onto T-shirts before ripping them off and calling for other “young, smart and beautiful” girls to “tear off something for Putin” and post a video of it online. The winning entry will take home an iPad.

The implication being that someone should be present to appreciate the gesture, which I’m pretty sure didn’t present a grave difficulty.

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Yes, it’s a lite post tonight.  It’s like lite beer with extra estrogen.

Not that there’s anything wrong with estrogen, but there generally isn’t a sense of having consumed something lite when you drink a real beer.  No, I’m not drinking beer.  I’m posting almost about nothing, though, so it’s “Post Lite” night.

The only thing I was going to post was really to link to an article by Slate, which predicts 2012 in 2011 if the government defaults.  Essentially the world will stop spinning and we will all fly off into space or something.

No, when our economy collapses and society breaks down it will be over something more real than that.  It’s coming, but I don’t think it is coming because a bunch of idiots are playing a game to see who blinks first.

Oh, the other gifts on the “Standard Schedule of Anniversary Gifts” that Aggie swears her husband should never see… (first sixteen are found here)

17th:  Vinyl

18th:  Ink

19th:  Plexiglas™

20th:  Straw

21st:  Aloe

22nd:  Terra Cotta

23rd:  Teflon™

24th:  Film

25th:  Silver

26th:  Soy

27th:  Balsa

28th:  Sponge

29th:  Cardboard

30th:  Soup

31st:  Terry Cloth

32nd:  Suede

33rd:  Glue

34th:  Down

35th:  Burlap

36th:  Wood Grain

37th:  Glycerin

38th:  Wicker

39th:  Soil

40th:  Ice

41st:   Paprika

42nd:  Spandex

43rd:  Foil

44th:  Tissue

45th:  Cork

46th:  Velcro™

47th:  Rope

48th:  Cast Iron

49th:  Frosting

50th:  Gold

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